The Hard Truth About Startup Revenue (And Why It's Good News for You)

We Meet You Again With Reality Backed by Data !

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Ever feel like everyone but you is crushing it in the startup world? Well, I've got a reality check that might just make your day.

Check out this eye-opening graph on startup Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR):

Data source:

Shocking, right? Here's what it means for you:

  1. You're Not Alone: See that massive spike at the left? That's hundreds of startups making next to nothing. The struggle is real, and it's shared.

  2. The 1% is Tiny: Those little blips on the right? That's the "crushing it" crowd. They're rare. Really rare.

  3. There's Room at the Top: With so many clustered at the bottom, even modest success can put you ahead of the pack.

Here's why this matters for solopreneurs like us:

  • Patience Pays: Most startups take time to gain traction. Your "overnight success" might be years in the making – and that's normal.

  • Focus on Fundamentals: Instead of chasing unicorn status, concentrate on steady growth and serving your customers well.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Moving from $0 to $1000 MRR is a huge leap on this graph. Every step forward counts.

Remember, you don't need to be a tech giant to build a fulfilling, profitable business. Sometimes, being a successful solopreneur means finding your niche and serving it exceptionally well.

To your success,

Mert Yildirim


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Learn more about Headway in my review article here: 👇️ 

🛠️ My Top Business Stack Recommendations

I use these tools and platforms to grow my business daily, and I cannot recommend them more.

Tool name

Why I love it?


A must-have app bundle for Mac. Some of my favorite apps on Setapp are CleanMyMac X, Numi, Receipts, DevUtils, Squash, Permute, and Bartender.


The best tool I’ve used for managing multiple email inboxes. (One month free through my invite link. 👈️ )

Marketing Automation and Customer Data Platform at its best.


AI Team Members specialized in different areas, with long-term memory and other cool features.


Typeform + Docusign + much more in a single app (Free to start, 50% off on paid plans through my invite link 👈️ )


AI tool that helps you create and schedule a month of social content in minutes.


The best modern email newsletter platform

Stay tuned for more insights and strategies. Until next time, stay productive!

— Cagri Sarigoz

P.S. Some links are affiliate/referral links, helping me out at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! 🙏


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